Seattle Advertising's VP Leading Digital Revolution Featured
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One small advertising firm in Bellevue, Washington is running in front of the pack and rapidly becoming a unique success story in the tech sector. VC firms and Entrepreneurs alike are running to the firm for a helping of the firm’s “magic sauce” it applies to their apps.
Julian Valentine, VP of Seattle Advertising, has developed a solution for his clients that works so well it's morphing the agency into one of the most sought after advertising firms on the planet attracting clients as far away as China and Dubai.
Until now, Seattle Advertising has been a small Internet firm well known for its ability to blow up web-developments, apps and pushing out amazing marketing ideas but was never considered a rival to national brands.
That’s all about to change.
Miami Business Magazine first heard about this story when one of Valentine's former clients, wa plastic surgeon in Miami, had a "wee bit too much" to drink down at the Blue Martini in Miami. The bar is a favorite IT hang-out in Miami and often you find it filled with VC guys, Internet Geeks, and coding gurus.
The surgeon, according to the bartender, began showing his iPad to some Google guys just how Valentine had managed to get his medical app ranking at the top of Google and Apple.
When called for a comment, Adam Shiffman, the bartender who tends bar at the Blue said that the Doc began egging on the three engineers from Google sitting at the bar. He asked the three to explain why he had wasted "55K a year with Google" using adwords when Seattle Advertising did the task for less than “9K as a one-time shot.”
The conversation escalated, and the surgeon was asked to leave. By then the 20 or so SEO engineers who were left the pub until the wee hours enjoyed a spirited discussion about Valentine's method and how he helps his clients rank.
"It's really nothing short of genius," Seth Milton, CEO of 180 said coming out of the MOZCON conference. "It's good that someone finally broke the color code because we knew it existed and we knew it worked. I hope he never tells a soul, except for me of course!"
Old fashioned enciphering (also known as cryptography) has been used since Roman times and has turned into a hot topic now that Valentine's method works. Valentine developed the method by watching human interaction on Google and Bing.
Valentine has observed what consumers search for based on their gender, age, and even the times of the day that they searched. Before long, Valentine began to see patterns in the searches. In 2009 he took these patterns, mixed them with his proprietary code and for the last 7 years has expanded it, combed it, and maintained it. It was then that something wonderful happened. He began to improve click-through traffic on websites that he builds for his clients by as much as 200%.
We're not talking about a few visitors either.
Valentine is taking an app from page 40 on Google to the first page within weeks, which seems impossible. That's why the surgeon was bragging, and that's why the Google engineers were speechless.
“As a result of his new cryptography algorithm,Valentine has found a way for his clients to not only rank #1 on organic search results for ANY set of keywords, but Valentine also paints the apps with his color coding which keeps consumers engaged on the site’s 45% longer.
The color coding paints websites he creates for his clients the exact colors that consumers subliminally want to see when they hit the website" said Charles Anderson, the former CEO of Northwest SEO. "This color code that can be searched by industry increases sales for Valentine's clients by an average of 45% and that is why so many professionals are beating down the door. They all want to be #1."
Anderson, used to own Northwest SEO, but now heads up the new advertising post at Seattle Advertising.
He continued, “If you’re self-employed, you need more than anything to advertise on Google and Bing, right? As a matter of fact, it's your lifeblood. But who really looks past page one?”
Whether you sell flowers or run a law firm, you want to have the coveted top three spots underneath the Google ads. Because 88% of consumers click on those top three organic results, they are the most sought after area on the page. Businesses want those spaces because consumers will click on them 88% of the time.
According to Valentine, it's really about stages-of-position psychology.
"If you are in the top three spots on the first page of Google doing a search for let's say ‘San Diego Trial Attorney’ and you’re #1, your link will get hit 88% of the time because consumers subliminally think that if you are #1 on Google organically, then you must somehow be the best. Consumers know the ads at the top and to the right are paid ads" Valentine told Miami Business Magazine.
Search engines will never tell you this, but only 12% of consumers ever click on the paid spots at the top or to the right. They are clicking on the top three spots on the organic results which are known in search engine circles as the "Golden Links."
Let’s say you sell watches in Dallas, consumers are typing in "Dallas watches."
If you are #1 on the organics, you’re getting 25-100 clicks a day with no advertising costs to you. The problem is, most businesses don't know how to get those spots. Instead, they are paying the search engine giant 5, 10, 25K a month for clicks that do not guarantee a client will even call.
To make matters worse, some small businesses are paying SEO firms to chase page one using a method that no longer works.
Seattle Advertising has learned to not only deliver #1 for their clients, but it's the color code that is getting all of the attention. Valentine’s app and software clients that use this coveted color code are hailing him as the new Internet marketing guru.
Yours truly managed to Skype with some of the developers at Valentine's company, Seattle Advertising. While I was chatting, one of Valentine's developers, and ex-Google drop-out who wants to remain nameless, showed me literally 100's of apps and .com developments that they have ranked #1 on Google and Apple, which is everything in the internet world if you're delivering an App to market.
In addition, each website, app, or development is painted and colored according to subliminal cues that Valentine noticed in his 18 years of coding and watching.
Light and color can influence how people perceive the area around them. Different light sources affect how the colors of websites, contact pages, and even the phone numbers on a website are seen. On the Internet, colors may appear to be more orange or "brownish" and darker colors may appear even darker. Light and the color of a send or contact button can affect how one perceives its positioning. Valentine has learned what colors people want to see based on specific industry and that results in improved click-through rates.
Valentine has it down to a science of percentage “per” color and so far, it's working. His typical charge for building one website, ranking that website to #1 for a set of keywords, and sprinkling his magic dust color code will run you around $7,800. Blowing up a new App will run you around 35K and to own the market an easy six figures. That equates to about one month’s worth of advertising costs paying for the spaces at the top.
"Getting #1 on Google is great, but what good is that if your website or App colors are horrible? Consumers will just click out. However, when the website is visually stunning, and the color code is present that consumers want to see for your industry, that buys you another 20 seconds where the consumer is searching your website, and that means business." Valentine continued "I'm not a genius, I've just figured out exactly what people want to see from the second they hit your homepage to making contact with you on the “Contact Us” page. I've figured out what makes them want to email and call you, and I am keeping it a secret!"
Seattle Advertising is located in the heart of Olde Towne Bellevue, WA. You can check them out at their website